Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Indonesian Culture - Budaya Karo..

Welcome to my blog..
This time, i wanna writing article to tell you about indonesian culture.. I make the article to fulffil my assigment in college lesson of english business 2..
well, i’m interested to make the article about indonesian culture because so many diversity of our culture in indonesia,, and i wanna tell you about “Budaya Karo”.. The reason why I choose theme about Budaya Karo, because it’s  about my background family culture and I hope you’re interested by budaya karo and from here you can find more knowledge about indonesian culture.. 

Budaya Karo..
In budaya karo, so many thing we can learn of my culture starting from karo traditional foods, custom home, traditonal clothes, the customary marriage of  karo, etc. But i wanna to tell you about the customary marriage of karo in indonesia meaning  “ Pernikahan Adat Karo”..
I make this article because i would like to know more information in the process of custom wedding karo.. well for more details.. let’s learn together  J J
In a customary marriage Karo tribe known three common steps taken in implementing it. In general these three stages will be further divided into sub-phases. The stages of customary marriages performed Karo tribe in general are as follows:
I.                   Preparation “Kerja Adat”
·         Sitandan Ras Keluarga Pekepar
This stage is the stage of introduction between the two sides that family to get married, as well as the parents of both parties will submit to the "Anak Beru" respectively to determine a good day to hold a meeting at the house party "Kalimbubu" to discuss the plan "Mbaba Belo Selambar "
·         Mbaba belo selambar
In Mbaba belo selambar this stage, a gathering place, namely at home parties "Kalimbubu", in this case the male will bring food that has been cooked complete with dishes that will be looking for food before talks a good day to carry out the steps in "Nganting Manuk "
·         Nganting Manuk
In this phase will be talking about the customs debt at the wedding will be held, as well as planning a good day for a wedding. But the wedding day should not exceed one month after implementing Nganting Manuk stages.

II.                   The Day of Pesta Adat
·         Kerja Adat
Kerja adat is usually performed during a full day in the village women. Place of kerja adat is usually performed at the Village Hall or commonly also referred to as "Jambur" or "Lost"
·         Persadan Tendi
Implementation Persadan Tendi performed at dinner after noon kerja adat done for the bride and groom. In the implementation of this Persadan Tendi be prepared food for both bride whose purpose is to give new energy to the bride. The bride and groom will be fed into a plate that has been prepared.

III.                After Pesta Adat
·         Ngulihi Tudung
Ngulihi tudung conducted after 2-4 days after pesta adat passed. Parents are the man came back home to female parents (usually the male parents bring food and dishes). "Ngulihi Tudung" carried in procession to take back the traditional clothes  that there may be left behind when "Kerja Adat" was held.
·         Ertaktak
This implementation is done in the home "kalimbubu" (the women) at a specified time, usually a week after kerja adat. In here discussed cash out when pesta adat be held. Also discussed kerja adat expenses that have been paid in advance by "Anak Beru", "sembuyak" and also "Kalimbubu". After the event Ertaktak implemented, then all the better "Kalimbubu", "Sembuyak", and "Anak Beru" will eat together.

Source : Family Photo ( Adat Kerja Ka nita & Bang Mahisa)

Daftar Pustaka :

Foto Keluarga di Acara Pesta Adat Ka Nita br Bangun & Bang Mahisa Sembiring